
Music Scores & Digital Production

Fill in the contact form please with your requirement(s) with as much details as possible, then will reply back via email to discuss your matter/project/songs/.music  so we settle the cost
Payment works through an invoice we send via email 
Discount applies to first comers

  • Advertising
  • Marketing 
  • Video Animation 
  • Video marketing 
  • All ensembles
  • Piano
  • Piano with ensemble
Fill in the contact form please with you requirement with as much details as possible, then will reply back via email to discuss your matter so we settle the cost
Payment works through an invoice we send via email 
  • Piano
  • Ensembles
  • Piano & ensemble
  • Full orchestra
Fill in the contact form please with you requirement with as much details as possible, then will reply back via email to discuss your matter so we settle the cost
Payment works through an invoice we send via email 
  • Live ensembles
  • Live orchestra
  • Any ensemle with dancers
  • Orchestra with dancers
  • Soundtracks (Classical/Pop/Oriental)
    Songs (All styles)
    Ring Tones for the Mobile
  • Classical
  • Modern classic
  • Pop
  • Rock N Roll
Fill in the contact form please with your requirement with as much details as possible, then will reply back via email to discuss your matter so we settle the cost
Payment works through an invoice we send via email 

Small Ensemble / Large Ensemble / Full Orchestra 

3 hours session   2 session per day 
 4 hours session   2 session per day 
 6 hours sessions   2 sessions per day 
 7 hours sessions  2 sessions per day 
 8 hours sessions   2 sessions per day 
  • Video shooting during the recording
  • Mix & Master upon request
  • Artist Management and sell the recorded albums and/or tracks
Fill in the contact form please with your requirement with as much details as possible, then will reply back via email to discuss your matter so we settle the cost
Payment works through an invoice we send via email 

Music notation / Arrangement / Orchestration / Engraving

  • 2D & 3D Animation
  • Video Games
  • Soundtracks
  • Songs
  • Film music / Documentaries / Short 􀁺lms / FeaturedFilms / TV Commercials
  • Video music for promotions
  • Live orchestra video recording for advertising and marketing

Contact us for the prices as we aim to achieve your project and dream

We offer a 30 minutes free consultation with every client, artist ,company.

We deal with patent, International licenses, you are just a step away from contacting us to discuss your project 

Film & Media Orchestral Music Presentation 

The Giusto Chamber Orchestra of Budapest under the baton of Samer Hatoum will present via Live streaming in August 23rd ,2023 

Orchestral music composed & orchestrated by 

Samer Hatoum

The program will be available here in due course 

Fill in the contact form please with you requirement with as much details as possible, then will reply back via email to discuss your matter so we settle the cost
Payment works through an invoice we send via email 

We are available for the live chat 24/7 to answer your questions and provide our services